
Exposing Evolution As A Mess and Atheism As Hot-Air!

Posts Tagged ‘nazis

Atheists:Does Evil Exist? Part1

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Does Evil Exist My Atheist Friends

I am often perplexed by the use of the word evil by Atheist and other materialist. What does the word mean to them?

-Is there a spirit called evil behind the liek of Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao which cause them to kill with flinching?

Stalin Mao and Hitler

Stalin Mao and Hitler

– What about pople who think that evil is good? Well be patient we will meeet a few of them.

– In our dailylives we see a combination of good and evil, some humans show more good than evil wihile others are even described as evil.

I wil be dealing with these question in this new series.

In the past I have dealt with varius manifestations of evil like Jimmy Paige buying Aleister Crowley. Or they sold their souls for Rock and Roll or for that matter in Hip hop. But we are going to zone in on instances were evil has manifested itself.

Locating Evil Forerunner 777 Video

The video above locates a place which is very curious especially given its location, tell me what you think of what we have just seen.

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-Black Greek Societies


Liberation Theology And The Nazis

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This is a short film, on lithe Vatican role in the escape of Nazi criminal under Operation Paperclip.  Please note that they escaped using Red cross Documentation, of course you are aware that the Red cross is a charity section of the Venerable Knights of St John of Jerusalem or Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Why were the Nazis imported?  The had scientific knowledge from the Nazi experiments, this highlights the dangers of letting scientist make ethical decisions.

Written by dawkinswatch

June 3, 2008 at 1:59 pm

Updated :Does Evil Exist?

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I am still trying to understand you and where you get your ideas from, but let me ask you a simple question does evil exist?

Link to Nicky Cruz’s testimony

We have had this testimony before on this blog but listen to his family background.


Written by dawkinswatch

May 14, 2008 at 4:29 pm

Posted in Evil

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Expose of The New Age Explosion

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It becoming obvious that some people who hackle me on this blog do not have a grasp of what is really taking place in there big bad world outside, here is an excellent expose of this movement.

What I love about this film is that you can see the British influence right there, even if you do not watch the whole thing just spend ten minutes on the first bits.  The funny thing is that New Agers readily admit that they have a great plan.  Other occultic groups like to work behind blood oaths but they think that they can give everything away cheaply because they are so confident of success.

 It is a long film but well worth watching.

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Written by dawkinswatch

March 14, 2008 at 5:37 pm

Occult History of Nazism

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People I am just putting this interesting video to confound those who claim Hiler was a Christian.  Well Hitler was into the arcane and Himmler was obsessed with the papranormal.

 I would not normally put this up but tell me what you think of it.

Written by dawkinswatch

February 4, 2008 at 1:51 pm

Darwins Family: Sir Francis Galton Eugenics Founder

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Let us examine the links between the theory of evolution and the eugenics movement, they are familial because Galton and Darwin were cousins. The video introduces the Father of Eugenics Sir Francis Galton and his racist theories.

 The other day we looked at Darwins grandfather but now let us look at his cousin,   what a family.

Written by dawkinswatch

January 30, 2008 at 2:48 pm

Posted in eugenics

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Crimes in the Name of Science

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Dawkins and his buddies always claim that science is always benovelent and that it can police itself, but truth be told science is often dangerous and needs to be kept under a tight observation.

Here is a case study of what happened when thirst for scientific discovery overides moral considerations.  We all know of the Nazi scientist and the Nuremberg trials but we neglect the smuggling of the doctors to America under “Operation Paperclip.”

Religion is not the root of all evil as some like to suggest. 

Written by dawkinswatch

January 18, 2008 at 3:16 pm